Additional Permissions API

Last updated: 2 minutes read.


This API helps you to add and delete (CRUD) a list of additional (custom) permissions for your Dashboard users. Once created, a custom permission will be added to standard list of user permissions.
Only Admin Dashboard users will be authorized to use this API.

List Additional Permissions

This API returns by default the initial set of additional permissions defined in your Tyk Dashboard configuration, under security.additional_permissions.

Once you update the permissions via the API, they will be stored at organisation level.

Property Description
Resource URL /api/org/permissions
Method GET
Type None
Body None
Param None

Sample Request

GET /api/org/permissions HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000

Sample Response

  "additional_permissions": {
    "api_developer": "API Developer",
    "api_manager": "API Manager"

Add/Delete/Update Additional Permission


Whenever you want to add/update/delete an additional permission, just send back the updated list of permissions, through a PUT request to the API.

Property Description
Resource URL /api/org/permission
Method PUT
Type None
Body Permissions Object
Param None

Sample Request

Let’s imagine we have already defined two additional permissions: api_developer and api_manager. In order to add a new permission to this list, just send an updated list of permissions by appending the values you want. In this example we will add a custom_permission permission.

PUT /api/org/permissions HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000

  "additional_permissions": {
    "api_developer": "API Developer",
    "api_manager": "API Manager",
    "custom_permission": "Custom Permission"

Sample Response

  "Status": "OK",
  "Message": "Additional Permissions updated in org level",
  "Meta": null