Using external Key Value storage with Tyk

Last updated: 8 minutes read.

With Tyk Gateway you can store configuration data (typically authentication secrets or upstream server locations) in Key-Value (KV) systems such as Vault, and Consul and then reference these values during configuration of the Tyk Gateway or APIs deployed on the Gateway.

When to use external Key-Value storage

Simplify migration of APIs between environments

Easily manage and update secrets and other configuration across multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) without modifying the configuration files.

Ensure separation of concerns

Securely store sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and certificates in a centralised location. Not everybody needs access to these secrets: authorized people can maintain them and just pass along the reference used to access them from the KV store.

Support per-machine variables

Storing local settings within the Tyk Gateway’s configuration file allows you to have per instance variables, such as a machine ID, and inject these into API requests and responses using transformation middleware.

How external Key-Value storage works

There are two parts to external Key-Value storage - the KV store and the Tyk configuration object (API definition or Tyk Gateway config file).

  1. The key-value data that you wish to reference should be added to the storage
  2. References should be included within the Tyk configuration object that identify the location (KV store) and Key
  3. When Tyk Gateway initialises it will resolve any external KV references in its configuration, retrieving and applying the values from those references
  4. When Tyk Gateway loads (or reloads) APIs it will resolve any external KV references in the API definitions, retrieving and applying the values from those references

Most Key-Value references are only retrieved when the configuration object (Gateway or API) is loaded, as explained above: changes to the externally stored value will not be detected until a subsequent gateway hot-reload.

The exception to this is for specific transformation middleware where the value will be retrieved for each call to the API, during the processing of the API request or response.


If Tyk Gateway cannot communicate with the KV store, it will log an error and will treat the referenced key value as empty, continuing to load the Gateway or API, or to process the transformation middleware as appropriate.

Supported storage options

Tyk Gateway supports the following locations for storage of key-value data, providing flexibility to choose the most suitable approach for your deployment and the data you are storing:


HashiCorp Consul is a service networking solution that is used to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure. Consul KV is a simple Key-Value store provided as a core feature of Consul that can be used to store and retrieve Tyk Gateway configuration across multiple data centres.

  • to retrieve the value assigned to a KEY in Consul you will use consul://KEY or $secret_consul.KEY notation depending on the location of the reference


Vault from Hashicorp is a tool for securely accessing secrets. It provides a unified interface to any secret while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log. Tyk Gateway can use Vault to manage and retrieve sensitive secrets such as API keys and passwords.

  • to retrieve the value assigned to a KEY in Vault you will use vault://KEY or $secret_vault.KEY notation depending on the location of the reference

Tyk Gateway config file

The secrets section in the Tyk Gateway configuration file allows you to store settings that are specific to a single Tyk Gateway instance. This is useful for storing instance-specific configuration to be injected into API middleware or if you prefer using configuration files.

  • to retrieve the value assigned to a KEY in the secrets config you will use secrets://KEY or $secret_conf.KEY notation depending on the location of the reference

Environment variables

Tyk Gateway can access data declared in environment variables. This is a simple and straightforward way to manage secrets, especially in containerised environments like Docker or Kubernetes.

  • if you want to set the local “secrets” section (equivalent to the secrets section in the Gateway config file) using environment variables, you should use the following notation: TYK_GW_SECRETS=key:value,key2:value2
  • if you’re using a different key value secret store not explicitly supported by Tyk but can map it to TYK_GW_SECRETS then this will allow you to access those KV data
  • to retrieve the value assigned to an environment variable VAR_NAME you will use env://VAR_NAME or $secret_env.VAR_NAME notation depending on the location of the reference

How to access the externally stored data

You can configure Tyk Gateway to retrieve values from KV stores in the following places:

  • Tyk Gateway configuration file (tyk.conf)
  • API definitions


You can use keys from different KV stores (e.g. Consul and environment variables) in the same configuration object (Gateway config or API definition).

From the Tyk Gateway configuration file

In Tyk Gateway’s configuration file (tyk.conf), you can retrieve values from KV stores for the following fields:

  • secret
  • node_secret
  • storage.password
  • cache_storage.password
  • security.private_certificate_encoding_secret
  • db_app_conf_options.connection_string
  • policies.policy_connection_string

To reference the Value assigned to a Key in one of the KV stores from the Gateway configuration file use the following notation:

  • Consul: consul://path/to/key
  • Vault: vault://path/to/secret.key
  • tyk.conf secrets: secrets://key
  • Environment variables: env://key

For example, if you create a Key-Value pair in Vault with the key shared-secret in secret gateway-dashboard within directory tyk-secrets/ then you could use the Value as the node_secret in your Gateway config by including the following in your tyk.conf file:


When the Gateway starts, Tyk will read the Value from Vault and use this as the node_secret, which is used to secure connection to the Tyk Dashboard.

Note that all of these references are read (and replaced with the values read from the KV location) on Gateway start when loading the tyk.conf file.

From API Definitions

From Tyk Gateway v5.3.0 onwards, you can store any string field from the API definition in any of the supported KV storage options; for earlier versions of Tyk Gateway only the Target URL and Listen Path fields and certain transformation middleware configurations were supported.

Target URL and Listen Path

To reference the Value assigned to a Key in one of the KV stores for Target URL or Listen Path use the following notation:

  • Consul: consul://path/to/key
  • Vault: vault://path/to/secret.key
  • Tyk config secrets: secrets://key
  • Environment variables: env://key

These references are read (and replaced with the values read from the KV location) when the API is loaded to the Gateway (either when Gateway restarts or when there is a hot-reload).

For example, if you define an environment variable (Key) UPSTREAM_SERVER_URL with the Value then within your API definition you could use the Value for the Target URL for your Tyk OAS API as follows:

  "x-tyk-api-gateway": {
    "upstream": {
      "url": "env://UPSTREAM_SERVER_URL"

When the Gateway starts, Tyk will read the Value from the environment variable and use this as the Target URL.


Prior to Tyk Gateway v5.3.0, environment variables to be used for Target URL or Listen Path must be named TYK_SECRET_{KEY_NAME} and would then be referred to using env://{KEY_NAME}, i.e. the TYK_SECRET_ part should not be included in the API definition.
From v5.3.0 onward, the environment variables can be given any name and the full name should be provided in the API definition reference (though the pre-5.3.0 naming method is still supported for these two fields).

Transformation middleware

Key-value references can be included in the following middleware, with the values retrieved dynamically when the middleware is called (during processing of an API request or response):

To reference the Value assigned to a Key in one of the KV stores from these middleware use the following notation:

  • Consul: $secret_consul.key
  • Vault: $secret_vault.key
  • Tyk config secrets: $secret_conf.key
  • Environment variables: $secret_env.key

This notation is used to avoid ambiguity in the middleware parsing (for example where a KV secret is used in a URL rewrite path).

For example, if you create a Key-Value pair in Consul with the Key user_id then you could use the Value in the rewriteTo upstream address in the URL rewrite middleware for your Tyk OAS API by including the following in your API definition:

  "x-tyk-api-gateway": {
      "middleware": {
          "operations": {
              "anythingget": {
                  "urlRewrite": {
                      "enabled": true,
                      "pattern": ".*",
                      "rewriteTo": "/api/v1/users/$secret_consul.user_id",

When a call is made to GET /anything, Tyk will retrieve the Value assigned to the user_id Key in Consul and rewrite the Target URL for the request to /api/v1/users/{user_id}.

These references are read (and replaced with the values read from the KV location) during the processing of the API request or response.

Other string fields

To reference the Value assigned to a Key in one of the KV stores from the API Definition use the following notation:

  • Consul: consul://key
  • Vault: vault://secret.key
  • Tyk config secrets: secrets://key
  • Environment variables: env://key

These references are read (and replaced with the values read from the KV location) when the API is loaded to the Gateway (either when Gateway restarts or when there is a hot-reload).


When accessing KV references from the /tyk-apis directory on Consul or Vault, you should not provide the path/to/ the key except for Target URL and Listen Path (as described above).

For example, if you create a Key-Value pair in the secrets section of the tyk.conf file with the Key auth_header_name:

  "secrets": {
    "auth_header_name": "Authorization"

Then within your API definition you could use the Value for the authentication header name as follows:

  "x-tyk-api-gateway": {
    "components": {
      "securitySchemes": {
        "authToken": {
          "type": "apiKey",
          "in": "header",
          "name": "secrets://auth_header_name"

When the Gateway starts, Tyk will read the Value from the secrets section in the Gateway config file and use this to identify the header where Tyk Gateway should look for the Authentication token in requests to your Tyk OAS API.