Publish Command

Last updated: 3 minutes read.

The tyk-sync publish command publishes API definitions, policies and templates from source in a file system or version control system to Tyk Gateway or Dashboard. Unlike the sync command, publish will not update existing APIs, and if it detects a collision, the operation will stop. It allows you to publish new API configurations to the target Dashboard without deleting or updating existing resources.


Publish from Git repository:


Publish from file system:

tyk-sync publish {-d DASHBOARD_URL | -g GATEWAY_URL} [-s SECRET] [-o ORG_ID] -p PATH

An index .tyk.json file is expected in the root directory of the Git repository or specified file path. An example index file is provided in the example.


  • -b, --branch BRANCH: Specify the branch of the GitHub repository to use. Defaults to refs/heads/master (optional).
  • -d, --dashboard DASHBOARD_URL: Specify the fully qualified URL of the Tyk Dashboard where configuration changes should be applied (Either -d or -g is required).
  • -g, --gateway GATEWAY_URL: Specify the fully qualified URL of the Tyk Gateway where configuration changes should be applied (Either -d or -g is required).
  • -h, --help: Help for the publish command.
  • -k, --key SSHKEY: Provide the location of the SSH key file for authentication to Git (optional).
  • -p, --path PATH: Specify the source file directory where API configuration files are located (Required for synchronising from file system).
  • -s, --secret SECRET: Your API secret for accessing Dashboard or Gateway API (optional).
  • --test: Use test publisher, output results to stdio.

Flags for specifying resources to publish (Optional)

  • --apis IDS: Specify API IDs to publish. Use this to selectively publish specific APIs. It can be a single ID or an array of string such as “id1,id2”.
  • --oas-apis IDS: Specify OAS API IDs to dump. Use this to selectively dump specific OAS APIs. It can be a single ID or an array of string such as “id1,id2”.
  • --policies IDS: Specify policy IDs to publish. Use this to selectively publish specific policies. It can be a single ID or an array of string such as “id1,id2”.
  • --templates IDS: Specify template IDs to publish. Use this to selectively publish specific API templates. It can be a single ID or an array of string such as “id1,id2”.


Publish an API from local file system

  1. First, prepare a .tyk.json file. This file serves as a configuration file for tyk-sync, providing necessary metadata and settings required for the synchronisation process.

A basic .tyk.json file looks like this:

  "type": "apidef",
  "files": [
      "file": "api-726e705e6afc432742867e1bd898cb23.json"
  "policies": [
      "file": "policy1.json"
  "assets": [
      "file": "asset1.json"
  1. Then, run the following command to publish only specific API with ID 726e705e6afc432742867e1bd898cb23 to Tyk Dashboard.
tyk-sync publish -d http://tyk-dashboard:3000 -s your-secret -p /app/data --apis 726e705e6afc432742867e1bd898cb23