Schema Registry Encode

Last updated: 6 minutes read.

Automatically encodes and validates messages with schemas from a Confluent Schema Registry service.


# Common config fields, showing default values
label: ""
  url: "" # No default (required)
  subject: foo # No default (required)
  refresh_period: 10m


# All config fields, showing default values
label: ""
  url: "" # No default (required)
  subject: foo # No default (required)
  refresh_period: 10m
  avro_raw_json: false
    enabled: false
    consumer_key: ""
    consumer_secret: ""
    access_token: ""
    access_token_secret: ""
    enabled: false
    username: ""
    password: ""
    enabled: false
    private_key_file: ""
    signing_method: ""
    claims: {}
    headers: {}
    skip_cert_verify: false
    enable_renegotiation: false
    root_cas: ""
    root_cas_file: ""
    client_certs: []

Encodes messages automatically from schemas obtains from a Confluent Schema Registry service by polling the service for the latest schema version for target subjects.

If a message fails to encode under the schema then it will remain unchanged and the error can be caught using error handling methods.

Avro, Protobuf and JSON schemas are supported, all are capable of expanding from schema references.

Avro JSON Format

By default this processor expects documents formatted as Avro JSON when encoding with Avro schemas. In this format the value of a union is encoded in JSON as follows:

  • if its type is null, then it is encoded as a JSON null;
  • otherwise it is encoded as a JSON object with one name/value pair whose name is the type’s name and whose value is the recursively encoded value. For Avro’s named types (record, fixed or enum) the user-specified name is used, for other types the type name is used.

For example, the union schema ["null","string","Foo"], where Foo is a record name, would encode:

  • null as null;
  • the string "a" as {"string": "a"}; and
  • a Foo instance as {"Foo": {...}}, where {...} indicates the JSON encoding of a Foo instance.

However, it is possible to instead consume documents in standard/raw JSON format by setting the field <code>avro_raw_json</code> to true.

Known Issues

Important! There is an outstanding issue in the avro serializing library which means it doesn&rsquo;t encode logical types correctly. It’s still possible to encode logical types that are in-line with the spec if avro_raw_json is set to true, though now of course non-logical types will not be in-line with the spec.

Protobuf Format

This processor encodes protobuf messages either from any format parsed within Tyk Streams (encoded as JSON by default), or from raw JSON documents, you can read more about JSON mapping of protobuf messages here:

Multiple Message Support

When a target subject presents a protobuf schema that contains multiple messages it becomes ambiguous which message definition a given input data should be encoded against. In such scenarios Tyk Streams will attempt to encode the data against each of them and select the first to successfully match against the data, this process currently ignores all nested message definitions. In order to speed up this exhaustive search the last known successful message will be attempted first for each subsequent input.



The base URL of the schema registry service.

Type: string


The schema subject to derive schemas from.

Type: string

# Examples

subject: foo

subject: ${! meta("kafka_topic") }


The period after which a schema is refreshed for each subject, this is done by polling the schema registry service.

Type: string
Default: "10m"

# Examples

refresh_period: 60s

refresh_period: 1h


Whether messages encoded in Avro format should be parsed as normal JSON (“json that meets the expectations of regular internet json”) rather than Avro JSON. If true the schema returned from the subject should be parsed as standard json instead of as avro json. There is a comment in goavro, the underlining library used for avro serialization, that explains in more detail the difference between standard json and avro json.

Type: bool
Default: false


Allows you to specify open authentication via OAuth version 1.

Type: object


Whether to use OAuth version 1 in requests.

Type: bool
Default: false


A value used to identify the client to the service provider.

Type: string
Default: ""


A secret used to establish ownership of the consumer key.

Type: string
Default: ""


A value used to gain access to the protected resources on behalf of the user.

Type: string
Default: ""


A secret provided in order to establish ownership of a given access token.

Type: string
Default: ""


Allows you to specify basic authentication.

Type: object


Whether to use basic authentication in requests.

Type: bool
Default: false


A username to authenticate as.

Type: string
Default: ""


A password to authenticate with.

Type: string
Default: ""


BETA: Allows you to specify JWT authentication.

Type: object


Whether to use JWT authentication in requests.

Type: bool
Default: false


A file with the PEM encoded via PKCS1 or PKCS8 as private key.

Type: string
Default: ""


A method used to sign the token such as RS256, RS384, RS512 or EdDSA.

Type: string
Default: ""

A value used to identify the claims that issued the JWT.

Type: object
Default: {}


Add optional key/value headers to the JWT.

Type: object
Default: {}


Custom TLS settings can be used to override system defaults.

Type: object


Whether to skip server side certificate verification.

Type: bool
Default: false


Whether to allow the remote server to repeatedly request renegotiation. Enable this option if you’re seeing the error message local error: tls: no renegotiation.

Type: bool
Default: false


An optional root certificate authority to use. This is a string, representing a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, to possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

Type: string
Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas: |-
  -----END CERTIFICATE-----  


An optional path of a root certificate authority file to use. This is a file, often with a .pem extension, containing a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, to possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

Type: string
Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas_file: ./root_cas.pem


A list of client certificates to use. For each certificate either the fields cert and key, or cert_file and key_file should be specified, but not both.

Type: array
Default: []

# Examples

  - cert: foo
    key: bar

  - cert_file: ./example.pem
    key_file: ./example.key


A plain text certificate to use.

Type: string
Default: ""


A plain text certificate key to use.

Type: string
Default: ""


The path of a certificate to use.

Type: string
Default: ""


The path of a certificate key to use.

Type: string
Default: ""


A plain text password for when the private key is password encrypted in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format. The obsolete pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm is not supported for the PKCS#8 format. Warning: Since it does not authenticate the ciphertext, it is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks that can let an attacker recover the plaintext.

Type: string
Default: ""

# Examples

password: foo

password: ${KEY_PASSWORD}