Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal v1.4.0

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

Licensed Protected Product

Release Date 2 June 2023

Breaking Changes

This release has no breaking changes.

Future breaking changes

This release doesn’t introduce future breaking changes.


There are no deprecations in this release.

Upgrade instructions

If you are on a 1.3.0 or an older version we advise you to upgrade ASAP directly to this release.

Release Highlights

SQL support for the portal’s assets

Until recently, SQL storage was not supported for the portal’s assets: OAS files, themes, images, etc. Therefore, customers had to use at least two types of storage:

  • SQL for the portal’s metadata (users, products, access requests, etc).
  • Filesystem or S3 for assets (pictures, themes, etc).

This is especially inconvenient in Kubernetes environment when customers had to use persistent volumes. With this new feature, customers can simply use the same SQL database (MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL) for both assets and metadata. To use the db storage type just set the PORTAL_STORAGE=db for environment variables or "Storage": "db" in a config file and you are good to go!

Response status code added to API analytics filters

API Consumers now can filter API analytics by response status codes. This allows them to analyze traffic and error rate for specific response code for their API Products.

API Analytics UI - Response code filters

Displaying Basic Auth APIs

We introduced display-only support for basic APIs. That means API Providers can publish documentation for the basic auth APIs. However, developers cannot use the portal to get access to the basic auth APIs.




  • Added SQL support for the portal’s assets to simplify the storage configuration. Now our customers can store all data in one database.
  • Added response status code filters in the API analytics for developers to enhance self-service capabilities for developers.
  • Added displaying Basic Auth APIs so that API Providers can expose on the portal their APIs that use basic auth for documentation purposes.
  • Added input validation for organization name to prevent organization with empty names from being created.


  • Fixed typo in the name of the demo user.
  • Rewritten labels for Auth token credentials to remove customers’ confusion with opaque names of fields.

Security Fixes

  • ZipSlip vulnerability in the theme upload flow is now resolved.
  • Added input validation for preventing XSS attacks for catalogues and organisations in the admin app.

Further Information

Upgrading Tyk

Please refer to the upgrading Tyk page for further guidance with respect to the upgrade strategy.


Please visit our Developer Support page for further information relating to reporting bugs, upgrading Tyk, technical support and how to contribute.