Install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal with new helm chart

Last updated: 2 minutes read.

There are two ways to install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal. You can enable global.components.devPortal during Tyk Self-Managed deployment by following the Tyk Self-Managed installation instruction using our tyk-stack umbrella chart. It will install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal together with Tyk Gateway and Dashboard in the same namespace.

Alternatively, you can install Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as standalone component using our tyk-dev-portal chart. This page provides a clear and concise, step-by-step guide for installing the Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal as standalone component using the new helm chart.

To install the portal using helm charts, you need to take the following steps:

  • Create the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret
  • Specify config settings for the portal in values.yaml
  • Launch the portal using the helm chart

Create the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret

Make sure the tyk-dev-portal-conf secret exists in your namespace. This secret will automatically be generated if Tyk Dashboard instance was bootstrapped with tyk-boostrap component chart and bootstrap.devPortal was set to true in the values.yaml.

If the secret does not exist, you can create it by running the following command.

kubectl create secret generic tyk-dev-portal-conf -n ${NAMESPACE} \
  --from-literal=TYK_ORG=${TYK_ORG} \

The fields TYK_ORG and TYK_AUTH are the Tyk Dashboard Organisation ID and the Tyk Dashboard API Access Credentials respectively. These can be obtained under your profile in the Tyk Dashboard.

Config settings

You must set the following values in the values.yaml or with --set {field-name}={field-value} using the helm upgrade command:

Field Name Description and global.adminUser.password Set portal admin username and email for bootstrapping
global.secrets.devPortal Enable portal bootstrapping by providing secret name
license Tyk license key for your portal installation
storage.type Portal storage type, e.g. fs, s3 and db
image.tag Enterprise Portal version. You can get the latest version image tag from Docker Hub
database.dialect Portal database dialect, e.g. mysql, postgres and sqlite3
database.connectionString Connection string to the Portal’s database, e.g. for the mysql dialect: admin:secr3t@tcp(tyk-portal-mysql:3306)/portal?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true

In addition to values.yaml, you can also define the environment variables described in the configuration section to further customise your portal deployment. These environment variables can also be listed as a name value list under the extraEnvs section of the helm chart.

Launch the portal using the helm chart

Run the following command to update your infrastructure and install the developer portal:

helm install tyk-dev-portal tyk-helm/tyk-dev-portal -f values.yaml -n tyk


Please refer to this guide for an explanation of all configuration options.

Note: Helm chart supports Enterprise Portal v1.2.0+.