Tyk Dashboard v2.6

Last updated: 11 minutes read.

New in this Release:

Tyk Gateway v2.6.0

Organisation Level Rate Limiting

Endpoints Create organisation keys and Add/update organisation keys now allow you to set rate limits at an organisation level. You will need to add the following fields in your create/add/update key request:

  • "allowance"
  • "rate"

These are the number of allowed requests for the specified per value, and need to be set to the same value.

  • "per" is the time period, in seconds.

So, if you want to restrict an organisation rate limit to 100 requests per second you will need to add the following to your request:

  "allowance": 100,
  "rate": 100,
  "per": 5

NOTE: if you don’t want to have organisation level rate limiting, set "rate" or "per" to zero, or don’t add them to your request.

See the Keys section of the Tyk Gateway REST API Swagger doc for more details.

Keys hashing improvements

Now it is possible to do more operations with key by hash (when we set "hash_keys": to true in tyk.conf):

  • endpoints POST /keys/create, POST /keys and POST /keys/{keyName} also return field "key_hash" for future use
  • endpoint GET /keys get all (or per API) key hashes. You can disable this endpoint by using the new tyk.conf setting enable_hashed_keys_listing (set to false by default)
  • endpoint GET /keys/{keyName} was modified to be able to get a key by hash. You just need provide the key hash as a keyName and call it with the new optional query parameter hashed=true. So the new format is GET /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true"
  • also, we already have the same optional parameter for endpoint DELETE /keys/{keyName}?hashed=true

JSON schema validation

You can now use Tyk to verify user requests against a specified JSON schema and check that the data sent to your API by a consumer is in the right format. This means you can offload data validation from your application to us.

If it’s not in the right format, then the request will be rejected. And even better, the response will be a meaningful error rather than just a ‘computer says no’.

Schema validation is implemented as for the rest of our plugins, and its configuration should be added to extended_paths in the following format:

"validate_json": [{
  "method": "POST",
  "path": "me",
  "schema": {..schema..}, // JSON object
  "error_response_code": 422 // 422 default however can override.

The schema must be a draft v4 JSON Schema spec, see http://json-schema.org/specification-links.html#draft-4 for details. An example schema can look like this:

  "title": "Person",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "firstName": {
      "type": "string"
    "lastName": {
      "type": "string"
    "age": {
      "description": "Age in years",
      "type": "integer",
      "minimum": 0
  "required": ["firstName", "lastName"]

New endpoint to get list of tokens generated for provided OAuth-client

GET /oauth/clients/{apiID}/{oauthClientId}/tokens

This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all current tokens and their expiry date issued for a provided API ID and OAuth-client ID in the following format. New endpoint will work only for newly created tokens:

    "code": "5a7d110be6355b0c071cc339327563cb45174ae387f52f87a80d2496",
    "expires": 1518158407
    "code": "5a7d110be6355b0c071cc33988884222b0cf436eba7979c6c51d6dbd",
    "expires": 1518158594
    "code": "5a7d110be6355b0c071cc33990bac8b5261041c5a7d585bff291fec4",
    "expires": 1518158638
    "code": "5a7d110be6355b0c071cc339a66afe75521f49388065a106ef45af54",
    "expires": 1518159792

You can control how long you want to store expired tokens in this list using oauth_token_expired_retain_period which specifies the retain period for expired tokens stored in Redis. The value is in seconds, and the default value is 0. Using the default value means expired tokens are never removed from Redis.

Creating OAuth clients with access to multiple APIs

When creating a client using POST /oauth/clients/create, the api_id is now optional - these changes make the endpoint more generic. If you provide the api_id it works the same as in previous releases. If you don’t provide the api_id the request uses policy access rights and enumerates APIs from their setting in the newly created OAuth-client.

At the moment this changes not reflected on Dashboard UI yet, as we going to do major OAuth improvements in 2.7

Certificate public key pinning

Certificate pinning is a feature which allows you to allow public keys used to generate certificates, so you will be protected in case an upstream certificate is compromised.

Using Tyk you can allow one or multiple public keys per domain. Wildcard domains are also supported.

Public keys are stored inside the Tyk certificate storage, so you can use Certificate API to manage them.

You can define them globally, from the Tyk Gateway configuration file using the security.pinned_public_keys option, or via an API definition pinned_public_keys field, using the following format:

  "example.com": "<key-id>",
  "foo.com": "/path/to/pub.pem",
  "*.wild.com": "<key-id>,<key-id-2>"

For key-id you should set the ID returned after you upload the public key using the Certificate API. Additionally, you can just set path to public key, located on your server. You can specify multiple public keys by separating their IDs by a comma.

Note that only public keys in PEM format are supported.

If public keys are not provided by your upstream, you can extract them by yourself using the following command:

openssl s_client -connect the.host.name:443 | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout

If you already have a certificate, and just need to get its public key, you can do it using the following command:

openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in cert.pem

Note: Upstream certificates now also have wildcard domain support

JQ transformations (experimental support)

This feature is experimental and can be used only if you compile Tyk yourself own using jq tag: go build --tags 'jq'

If you work with JSON you are probably aware of the popular jq command line JSON processor. For more details, see here https://stedolan.github.io/jq/

Now you can use the full power of its queries and transformations to transform requests, responses, headers and even context variables.

We have added two new plugins:

  • transform_jq - for request transforms.
  • transform_jq_response - for response transforms

Both have the same structure, similar to the rest of our plugins: { "path": "<path>", "method": "<method>", "filter": "<content>" }

Request Transforms

Inside a request transform you can use following variables:

  • .body - your current request body
  • ._tyk_context - Tyk context variables. You can use it to access request headers as well.

Your JQ request transform should return an object in the following format: { "body": <transformed-body>, "rewrite_headers": <set-or-add-headers>, "tyk_context": <set-or-add-context-vars> }.

body is required, while rewrite_headers and tyk_context are optional.

Response Transforms

Inside a response transform you can use following variables:

  • .body - your current response body
  • ._tyk_context - Tyk context variables. You can use it to access request headers as well.
  • ._tyk_response_headers - Access to response headers

Your JQ response transform should return an object in the following format: { "body": <transformed-body>, "rewrite_headers": <set-or-add-headers>}.

body is required, while rewrite_headers is optional.


"extended_paths": {
  "transform_jq": [{
    "path": "/post",
    "method": "POST",
    "filter": "{\"body\": (.body + {\"TRANSFORMED-REQUEST-BY-JQ\": true, path: ._tyk_context.path, user_agent: ._tyk_context.headers_User_Agent}), \"rewrite_headers\": {\"X-added-rewrite-headers\": \"test\"}, \"tyk_context\": {\"m2m_origin\": \"CSE3219/C9886\", \"deviceid\": .body.DEVICEID}}"
  "transform_jq_response": [{
    "path": "/post",
    "method": "POST",
    "filter": "{\"body\": (.body + {\"TRANSFORMED-RESPONSE-BY-JQ\": true, \"HEADERS-OF-RESPONSE\": ._tyk_response_headers}), \"rewrite_headers\": {\"JQ-Response-header\": .body.origin}}"

Tyk Dashboard v1.6.0

API categories

You can apply multiple categories to an API definition, and then filter by these categories on the API list page.

They might refer to the APIs general focus: ‘weather’, ‘share prices’; geographic location ‘APAC’, ‘EMEA’; or technical markers ‘Dev’, ‘Test’. It’s completely up to you.

From an API perspective, categories are stored inside API definition name field like this: “Api name #category1 #category2”, e.g. categories just appended to the end of the name.

Added new API /api/apis/categories to return list of all categories and belonging APIs.

Raw API Definition mode

Now you can directly edit a raw API definition JSON object directly from the API Designer, by selecting either the Raw API Definition or the API Designer at the top of the API Designer screen.

Raw or Designer

This feature comes especially handy if you need copy paste parts of one API to another, or if you need to access fields not yet exposed to the Dashboard UI.

Certificate public key pinning

You can configure certificate pinning on the Advanced tab of the API Designer, using a similar method to how you specify upstream client certificates.

Certificate Pinning

JSON schema validation

Reflecting the Tyk Gateway changes, on the Dashboard we have added a new Validate JSON plugin, which you can specify per URL, and can set both a schema, and custom error code, if needed.

Improved key hashing support

The Tyk Dashboard API reflects changes made in the v2.6.0 Gateway API, and now supports more operations with key by hash (when we have set "hash_keys": to true in tyk_analytics.conf):

  • endpoint POST /keys/ also returns a new field key_hash per each key in the list
  • endpoint GET /apis/{apiId}/keys/{keyId} supports query string parameter hashed=true to get the key info via hash
  • endpoint GET /apis/{apiId}/keys returns keys hashes
  • endpoint DELETE /apis/{apiId}/keys?hashed=true can delete a key by its hash, but its functionality is disabled by default, unless you set enable_delete_key_by_hash boolean option inside the Dashboard configuration file.

Key requests management API now supports OAuth

For this release we’ve improved our developer portal APIs to fully support an OAuth2.0 based workflow. Developers using your API will now be able to register OAuth clients and manage them.

This change is not yet supported by our built-in portal, but if you are using custom developer portals, you can start using this new functionality right away. Full UI support for built-in portal will be shipped with our next 2.7 release.

Developers can request access to an API protected with OAuth and get OAuth client credentials.

The endpoint POST /api/portal/requests now has an optional "oauth_info" field which identifies the OAuth key request.

Example of the OAuth key request:

  "by_user": "5a3b2e7798b28f03a4b7b3f0",
  "date_created": "2018-01-15T04:49:20.992-04:00",
  "for_plan": "5a52dfce1c3b4802c10053c8",
  "version": "v2",
  "oauth_info": {
    "redirect_uri": "http://new1.com,http://new2.com"


  • "by_user" - contains the ID of portal developer who is requesting OAuth access
  • "for_plan" - subscription ID
  • "version" - is expected to have the value "v2"
  • "oauth_info" - simple structure which contains a field with comma-separated list of redirect URI for OAuth flow

A new field "oauth_info" will be present in replies for endpoints GET /api/portal/requests/{id} and GET /api/portal/requests

When this kind of OAuth key request gets approved when using endpoint PUT /api/portal/requests/approve/{id} a new OAuth-client is generated for a developer specified in the specified "by_user" field.

Example of OAuth key request approval reply:

    "client_id": "203defa5162b42708c6bcafcfa28c9fb",
    "secret": "YjUxZDJjNmYtMzgwMy00YzllLWI2YzctYTUxODQ4ODYwNWQw",
    "policy_id": "5a52dfce1c3b4802c10053c8",
    "redirect_uri": "http://new1.com,http://new2.com"


  • "client_id" and "secret" are OAuth-client credentials used to request the get token (they are to be kept in secret)
  • "policy_id" - the subscription this OAuth-client provides access to
  • "redirect_uri" - with comma-separated list of redirect URI for OAuth flow

Also, if you set email notifications in your portal, an email with the OAuth-client credentials will be sent to the developer who made that OAuth key request.

There is also a change in the reply from the GET /api/portal/developers endpoint.The developer object will have new field - "oauth_clients" which will contain a mapping of subscription IDs to the list of OAuth clients that the developer requested and was approved, i.e.:

"oauth_clients": {
  "5a52dfce1c3b4802c10053c8": [
      "client_id": "203defa5162b42708c6bcafcfa28c9fb",
      "redirect_uri": "http://new1.com,http://new2.com",
      "secret": "YjUxZDJjNmYtMzgwMy00YzllLWI2YzctYTUxODQ4ODYwNWQw"

New endpoints to get tokens per OAuth client

These endpoints allow you to get a list of all current tokens issued for provided OAuth client ID:

  • GET /apis/oauth/{apiId}/{oauthClientId}/tokens
  • GET /apis/oauth/{oauthClientId}/tokens when the API ID is unknown or OAuth-client provides access to several APIs

Renamed the response _id field to id in List Key Requests

We have renamed the response _id field when retrieving a list of key requests to id.

See List Key Requests for more details.

Developers can request a password reset email

If a developer forgets their password, they can now request a password reset email from the Developer Portal Login screen.

Request email reset

See Developer Profiles for more details.

SSO API custom email support

Now you can set email address for users logging though the Dashboard SSO API, by adding an “Email” field to the JSON payload which you sent to /admin/sso endpoint. For example:

POST /admin/sso HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:3000
admin-auth: 12345
  "ForSection": "dashboard",
  "Email": "user@example.com",
  "OrgID": "588b4f0bb275ff0001cc7471"

Set Catalogue settings for each individual API

Now you can override the global catalogue settings and specify settings per catalogue. The Catalogue object now has config field, with exactly same structure as Portal Config, except new override boolean field. If set, Catalogue settings will override global ones.

At the moment the following options can be overriden: Key request fields, Require key approval and Redirect on key request (with Redirect to option as well).

Blocklist1 IP Support

Tyk allows you to block IP Addresses, which is located in the Advanced Options tab in the Endpoint Designer.

Blocklist Support

Tyk Identity Broker v0.4.0

With this release TIB joins the Tyk product line as a first class citizen and is now distributed via packages and Docker image.

Support for SSO API email field

If IDP provides a user email, it should be passed to the Dashboard SSO API, and you should see it in the Dashboard UI.

Improved support for local IDPs

If you run a local IDP, like Ping, with an untrusted SSL certificate, you can now turn off SSL verification by setting SSLInsecureSkipVerify to true in the TIB configuration file.

Added Redis TLS support

To enable set BackEnd.UseSSL and, optionally, BackEnd.SSLInsecureSkipVerify.

Tyk Pump v0.5.2

Redis TLS support

Added new redis_use_ssl and redis_ssl_insecure_skip_verify options.

Redis TLS support

Many Redis hosting providers now support TLS and we’re pleased to confirm that we do too.

Whether it’s the open source API Gateway, or Dashboard, Pump, Sink and Tyk Identity Broker (TIB): you can now make secure connections to Redis from all Tyk products, as long as your provider allows it.

MDCB v1.5.3

Redis TLS support

Added new redis_use_ssl and redis_ssl_insecure_skip_verify options.

Upgrading all new Components

For details on upgrading all Tyk versions, see Upgrading Tyk.

Don’t Have Tyk Yet?

Get started now, for free, or contact us with any questions.

  1. Blocklist - explicitly blocking access to identified entities. Previously known as blacklist. ↩︎