Quick Start with Helm Chart and MongoDB
Last updated: 3 minutes read.
The following guides provide instructions to install Redis, MongoDB, and Tyk stack with default configurations. It is intended for quick start only. For production, you should install and configure Redis and MongoDB separately.
If you want to enable Tyk Enterprise Developer Portal, please use PostgreSQL. MongoDB is not supported in Developer Portal.
Quick Start with MongoDB
The following quick start guide explains how to use the Tyk Stack Helm chart to configure a Dashboard that includes:
- Redis for key storage
- MongoDB for app config
- Tyk Pump to send analytics to MongoDB. It also opens a metrics endpoint where Prometheus (if available) can scrape from.
At the end of this quickstart Tyk Dashboard should be accessible through service dashboard-svc-tyk-tyk-dashboard
at port 3000
. You can login to Dashboard using the admin email and password to start managing APIs. Tyk Gateway will be accessible through service gateway-svc-tyk-tyk-gateway.tyk.svc
at port 8080
1. Setup required credentials
First, you need to provide Tyk license, admin email and password, and API keys. We recommend to store them in secrets.
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
kubectl create secret generic my-secrets -n $NAMESPACE \
--from-literal=APISecret=$API_SECRET \
--from-literal=AdminSecret=$ADMIN_KEY \
kubectl create secret generic admin-secrets -n $NAMESPACE \
--from-literal=adminUserFirstName=Admin \
--from-literal=adminUserLastName=User \
--from-literal=adminUserEmail=$ADMIN_EMAIL \
2. Install Redis (if you don’t have a Redis instance)
If you do not already have Redis installed, you may use these charts provided by Bitnami.
helm upgrade tyk-redis oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/redis -n $NAMESPACE --install --version $REDIS_BITNAMI_CHART_VERSION
Follow the notes from the installation output to get connection details and password. The DNS name of your Redis as set by Bitnami is
(Tyk needs the name including the port)
The Bitnami chart also creates a secret tyk-redis
which stores the connection password in redis-password
. We will make use of this secret in installation later.
Please make sure you are installing Redis versions that are supported by Tyk. Please refer to Tyk docs to get list of supported versions.
3. Install MongoDB (if you don’t have a MongoDB instance)
If you do not already have MongoDB installed, you may use these charts provided by Bitnami.
helm upgrade tyk-mongo oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mongodb -n $NAMESPACE --install --version $MONGO_BITNAMI_CHART_VERSION
Please make sure you are installing MongoDB versions that are supported by Tyk. Please refer to Tyk docs to get list of supported versions.
Bitnami MongoDB image is not supported on darwin/arm64 architecture.
We require the MongoDB connection string for Tyk installation. You can store it in a secret and provide the secret in installation later.
MONGOURL=mongodb://root:$(kubectl get secret --namespace $NAMESPACE tyk-mongo-mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 -d)@tyk-mongo-mongodb.$NAMESPACE.svc:27017/tyk_analytics?authSource=admin
kubectl create secret generic mongourl-secrets --from-literal=mongoUrl=$MONGOURL -n $NAMESPACE
Ensure that you are installing MongoDB versions that are supported by Tyk. Please consult the list of supported versions that are compatible with Tyk.
4. Install Tyk
helm repo add tyk-helm https://helm.tyk.io/public/helm/charts/
helm repo update
helm upgrade tyk tyk-helm/tyk-stack -n $NAMESPACE \
--install \
--set global.adminUser.useSecretName=admin-secrets \
--set global.secrets.useSecretName=my-secrets \
--set global.redis.addrs="{tyk-redis-master.$NAMESPACE.svc:6379}" \
--set global.redis.passSecret.name=tyk-redis \
--set global.redis.passSecret.keyName=redis-password \
--set global.mongo.driver=mongo-go \
--set global.mongo.connectionURLSecret.name=mongourl-secrets \
--set global.mongo.connectionURLSecret.keyName=mongoUrl \
--set global.storageType=mongo \
--set tyk-pump.pump.backend='{prometheus,mongo}'
5. Done!
Now Tyk Dashboard should be accessible through service dashboard-svc-tyk-tyk-dashboard
at port 3000
. You can login to Dashboard using the admin email and password to start managing APIs. Tyk Gateway will be accessible through service gateway-svc-tyk-tyk-gateway.tyk.svc
at port 8080
You are now ready to create an API.
For the complete installation guide and configuration options, please see Tyk Stack Helm Chart.